How to live your life peacefully?

Most people love to talk or gossip about you when you are not there. People by liking or without knowing them they started to gossip about someone.
When you see someone like that try to avoid them as soon as possible why because when you mingle with these kind of people you get that habit. It is not big fall to gossip about someone but it is wrong when the person you are talking about is not there. When you come to know about the person who speak about you back please don't go again and again to that person and tell everything you know. One cannot be a true friend or your well-wisher if he talks about you in your back wrongly. Try to maximum avoid that person or keep distance yourself from them. Remember a quoteYou will get very hurt when you come to know that a person you love the most is talking at your back very badly. Did you ever faced this kind of situations? Did you still believe in that person? Can you able to talk to them like before you do?
Do you know who did the fault here? It's you because whatever happened in your life is the result of the time you are invested in certain things. Remember everything starts with you. If your life feels good it is because of you if your life feels bad it is also because of you. You can ask me what is the mistake I did in this? Yes you have did big mistake by saying everything you knew to those people. Keep limit with everyone no matter how best friend they or how well wisher they are to you. Only share your secrets or your believes with 5 or 6 person you trust most in. The can be your friends they can be your family members who ever but just have 5 and that more than enough. don't give space to everyone to talk at your back if you did it then it's your mistake and you should punished by their activities. But before charging others we have to see ourselves, right? Did you ever think that you are the person who talks at back about someone else. Genuinely think about that. If no then it's great. If yes then stop being that person. Don't feel guilty for the things you have done in the past it's ok and it's gone now try to live the best life for the rest of your life. Try to change that habit as soon as possible because it is not good for you and your mental health. If you have any problem with someone about certain things then talk to them and try to solve the problem instead of that don't talk at someone else back just because he Don't React to your favor. Do you feel it's OK to spend your time thinking about someone else or talking about the negatives of other people. No. right? Then why should we keep thinking about them or we keep talking about them let them be that person and you be you. What you can do when you see persons who talk at your back is just avoid them. Something about you don't need to do anything Or keep distance don't tell or don't discuss everything with that person again and again. Don't sit and talk with that person more than they deserve. It they still talking about you back leave that person, ignore that person completely but for that never stop doing what you love and what you like. No one can hundred percent satisfy everyone there will be some people who hate us for no reason and who talks back at every person.
It's ok if you feel this in somewhere in your life here after make a promise to yourself that you are not going to tell everything to that person whom you know they are talking at your back. Remember
You are CEO of your life you should decide which person should be placed where in your life.
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-with love,
Feel good team.
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