How to live your life peacefully?

We talk about doing something for our goal but how to actually get started is the question here?
How to actually get started?
Here there are four simple steps to be taken for getting started. There are very simple and anyone in this world can do that. Let check out what is that.
1) First get a goal and know exactly "why" this is your goal.
First of you need a goal and you have to find out the reason "why" you choose that as your goal. Lot of people have goal or desire but not all the person have the correct "why". Are you also that person who have no "why" but only goal? if yes, then please read it fully.
The reason behind your goal is the fuel for us to go to where we want. That is a huge factor to get started and keep going. Most people quit in between because they don't have the "Why". Their is a quote which says the importance of having a strong "why"
"If the why is strong then how is easy"
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It state that if you know what you want to do then it is easy to figure out how to do it.
Now, let see how you can have the " why". First of all your goal have to be something which you love to do because we spend most of our time with our work so it is really important to have a passion for it.
(Read this article fully:)
Passion which generate money is the best. Your passion have to support you financially. It no need to make huge but it should make some.
Next you have to see to that what you do is something which is important for the society and the world. There will be only demand for you work if you do something which the world needs.
Make sure that what you do will solve a problem or fills the need because the only way to earn money is by solving others problem. If you goal solve any problem or need of any person then you can go for it.
so set a goal with the strong "why".
2) Getting started
Getting started is one of the hardest thing. It is not easy like more people thing. This is the first step to actually reach you goal. Being of anything is very difficult. It takes so much of courage and passion to get started.
Train your mind and body to start. Your thoughts play a major role in this. Tell yourself that you have to start it no matter what.
Success is the result of loop which means success only come for those who do the things consistently. We all know the power of consistency. Be consistent is hard and not easy. When things don't work in your way, you get demotivated and you may give up easily but remember there where you need to be very consistent and strong.
Not everything will fall under our favor. There will be so much of ups and downs in the journey. To handle this you need to be consiste.nt and be patient.
Now you do all the things like you get started, your are consistent and so on. But you still don't get the result, what you can do?
There is only way for it, just stay patiently. The result what you want will never come to you easily. It also take so much time to get the result. Be patient and wait for your time but always remember that you will get result for what you did, Not immediately but definitely.
If you want to read more like this, you can read on feelgood.
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