How to live your life peacefully?

Set boundaries for yourself
If you really want to be happy then set your self a boundary line for yourself. Yes it is hard to set and maintain a boundary for ourself. So what i mean boundary here is limiting ourself from certain thing. For example we don't need to know everything about everyone likewise don't let everyone know everything about yourself. First you give equal respect and love to everyone no matter how big or small person they are. Then based on their reaction get close with people.
Your goals
As the quote said the more we get attached with our goal the more peaceful our life feels. Because our goal is the thing we love to do. So focusing more on our goals can make us happier person. Other than that we usually spend more time on work so make sure that you are happy with your the work you do. Always follow your passion.
Don't stress over the things your cannot control
In life there are certain thing that can't be controlled by us. We have to accept the truth. For example the rain. We can not control it. We can not stop it. Only thing we can do is accepting the situation and adjust to it. we have to mature enough to under the difference between the things we can and can't control.
It ok to take time
If your are doing something or planning to do something then remember thing will take time actually it take hug time to reach where we want in our life. Remember great thing take time. It's ok to take time we all need some time to make something, to do over something, to think about something etc.. It all need some time. So relax and take your own time. If things don't work, wait till the things work. Restart as many time it needed. Take time, be happy and enjoy the things.
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